Michael E. Bakich

Exploring the Universe: A Laboratory Guide for Astronomy
(Morton Publishing, January 2015)
Click the image to see a 12-page brochure

Bakich is a veteran observer who has logged
thousands of hours at telescopes of all sizes.

About Front Page Science

Michael E. Bakich, owner of Front Page Science, has been fascinated with the stars all his life. His astronomical journey began when he was in third grade, after his parents bought him a set of constellation flash cards. From that day forward, his goal was to become an astronomer.

Prior to joining the staff of Astronomy magazine (where he presently works), Bakich’s days revolved around serving in seven planetariums as a technician, program manager, and director. When he stopped working under the dome, he became a consultant, lecturer, and writer. He has written three books for Cambridge University Press, two for Springer, and one for Morton Publishing.

Front Page Science started as a dream in 1996 when Bakich realized that the centerline of a total solar eclipse 21 years in the future would pass through St. Joseph, Missouri, the city where his wife grew up and where her parents still reside.

What started as an idea to have an "eclipse bar-b-que" evolved into an event that attracted 25,000 people to Rosecrans Memorial Airport.

Michael E. Bakich:

  • is Senior Editor and Photo Editor for Astronomy magazine.
  • has authored six books on astronomy.
  • holds one of only six degrees ever awarded in Planetarium Education.
  • has traveled to 14 total solar eclipses as guide and eclipse expert.
  • has written and produced dozens of planetarium programs.
  • served on the American Astronomical Society Steering Committee for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse.
  • Asteroid 131245 Bakich is named for him.
  • received the Key to the City of St. Joseph, Missouri, for promoting the city prior to the August 21, 2017, total solar eclipse.